Thursday, 27 February 2014

A Small Victory...

Allow me to set the scene:
I am cooking dinner for my boyfriend and myself. Considering that I am a broke student, this is the easiest way to demonstrate my affection for him (aside from assurances that I shaved my legs sometime in the last fortnight).

Enter stage right:
The housemate. The completely idiotic housemate who still insists that I am from 'Canadia,' often forgets his own address, and is certain that Eamon deValera was assassinated, and not Collins. I'm just going to let that sink in for a second.

"What're you making?"
"Stroganoff, would you like some?"

At this stage, I am convinced that we may be able to go through a mealtime without incident. He was far from lively, or even friendly - but I can take indifference over the idiocy. He even managed to grunt a sound that was reminiscent of thanks.

I stand.
"Woman - " He hands me his plate. I take it. It's what Jesus would do.
My boyfriend clears the rest of the table and sits back down when I start making the tea.

"It's nice to see a woman who understands that it's good for her to be in the kitchen."
I blink. "Pardon?"
"I mean, it's just good that you understand that it isn't his job to cook or do the washing up..." I can see my boyfriend looking shocked, and trying not to do anything that will anger me, or the other guy.

"Well, my boyfriend's job is to take out the trash... I see no problem grouping you in with it." I smile. He takes a second to realise what I've said.
"You heard the woman!" My boyfriend announced. He starts for a black bin bag. The housemate is stunned.
"Also, you can thank her for dinner, and wash your own damn plate. Quit being so useless."

The housemate leaves. In my head, there is a slow clap and a grandiose swell of music while I watch my boyfriend do the dishes. I can feel myself love him more than I had at the start of the meal.

Downside: There's no place to put, 'I've the perfect response if someone tells me I belong in the kitchen..." on a CV. If only I could make the snark and sarcasm profitable...

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